Monday, March 16, 2009

Yazan Kittaneh's life story

I remember when yazan was born. His mother, my daughter was so happy when she saw him. Every one was so happy. There was a big heat wave passing Chicago when he was born. He didn't cry all that much. I took care of yazan wile my daughter worked the day. I would let him run around in the back yard and play with our neighbor's son. He would love eating beans and rice I made. When he got older like around 4 or 5, he liked to sing. If I played a song on the radio,he would get a spoon and pretend to sing it.

Later, His, my daughter, and 4 of my sons moved into a 4 floor house (if you include the attic and basement) and out of mine. Yazan and her mom were in the 4nd floor (attic). 2 of my sons when to the 1st floor. Two of my sons and my other daughter lived in the 2nd floor and they rented the basement. Yazan was starting off kindergarden and came to my house everyday afterschool (because I lived two blocks away from the school). One timeduring the summer when he got off kindergarden he came to my house, he went downstairs to my basement to watch his Power rangers (because we had the TV down there). I was upstairs doing he dishes and then I heared him scream. Soposaly he wanted to do a frontflip like in the show off the bed and when he landed he twisted his foot badly. He screamed and try to crawl up the stairs. I of course went down to help him. Later, his mom took him to a ciropractor that was his friend. He was ok just had to stay off it and move it around once and a wile.

He started First Grade and he came to my house everyday. Around October or November, Yazan and his cousin Diego wanted to spend the night and my house. That night was lucky and very unlucky for him and me. That day, the house my sons and daughters live in caught on fire. My daughter (yazan's mom) was able to smell the smoke and was lucky to be able to warn my other daughter and son in time to get out of there. The good thing was that no one got hurt, especaly Yazan because he was in my home. Bad thing was that most of their stuff got burned. Because their house was burned they had to come back to live with me. They spend a few months in my house then they found an apartment to live in wile their house was geting fix by my sons (they are construction workers). They stayed there for a wile also mintaining their own resterant (they owned a resturant too). When the house was finnished they moved back in their house. The first year he was there he turned 7 years old. His mom, my sons, and my daughter allpitched in to buy his a new swing set for his birthday. It was the happiest I ever see him.

During that time he got 2 new neighbors. One was accross their block and the other was right nextdoor. His mom was working alot so he would usualy spend a ton of time with his uncles in the house. He went on to 2nd grade and to 2rd grade. The scedual was the same. He would come to my house after school and then be picked up my his mom. He turned 8 years old and gone up to 3rd. Then 9 years and when to 4rth grade. 10 years and 5th and then went on to 6th grade, middle school. He turned 11 when he got to 6th. Then went off to 7th and turned 12 years old. Now he's 13 years old and in 8th grade.

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