I think a few things would make Logandale a better school. One thing would be to have better after school programs. Another would be to get better books and materials. My last thought to make the Logandale a better school is more classes for kids to be educated in. More after school activities can make kids want to come to school.
Kids need a good reason to stay in school after it’s over, what better way than an after school activities. Activities that would help kids in school and might teach them to focus on their work. A physical after school activity would get kids exercising. Other after school activities can help students with organizing or understand certain problems or questions. After school classes also need materials to use.
New books and materials would make the school better. New books in the school library would get kids to stay and read there. Having new materials in classroom can make a lesson go smother. You could have new equipment for a science experiment can make it safe. New materials can result in new classes.
More classes would make Logandale a better school. Students would love having more fun classes. Like a class that would help you in the career you want. Another idea would be a project class, maybe to make projects we couldn’t do in out house. These are just some things that would make the school a better place.
In conclusion, these are some good ideas to better our school. Better after school programs, new books and materials, and more classes. Don’t you want to make Logandale a better school?
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
Good rasons Yazan, but dont u think that thats toomuch work for us??:-