Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frank


1. Respond: The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why?
- I think the hardest rule to follow would be to keep still and not move at all when the workers are working because I like to be active and always moving.

2. (a) Recall: In Scene 1, what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret rooms?
- Mr. Frank find a white glove and Anne’s diary in the secret room.
(b) Connect: How are these objects connected with the rest of the act.
- The Diary tells the whole story and the white glove is from the scene when Anne goes into Peter’s room on a date.

3. (a) Recall: What special Meaning does Hanukkah have for the family
- Hanukkah brings families together and even when they are in hard times they still have fun with eachother.
(b) Deduce: What do Anne’s presents show about her?
- It shows that she cares and wants to lift up the people’s spirites.
(c) Interpret: Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents:
- The reacted like that because they haven’t had anything nice happen to them in such a long time.

4. (a). Evaluate: With a partner, discuss Mr.Frank’s statement, “There are…..no locks that anyone can put on your mind. ” How does Anne prove this is true?
- Anne proves this when everyone wanted toget her to shut up and behave quietly and like a lady but she didn’t listen to them and kept on being herself.

5. (a): what is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding?
-The historical cause was the holocaust.
(b): What effect does this situation have on their daily lives?
- With the holocaust they weren’t able to go to school, outside, work, or anywhere other than their hiding spot.

6. (a): What effects do the Nazis intent the wearing of the stars would have on the jews.
-The Nazis intend the Jews to feel like animals or slaves that are branded.
(b): What background information about the war and Nazis’ treatment of the jews helps you to link this cause with it’s intended effects.
- The Nazis put the Jews in consentration camps and killed them.

7. Complete an organizer like the one shown with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.

Dialogue: Reveals character and relasionships: Anne, I am your mother and you will do as I say.
Advances and action of the plot: They nocked down the door and went inside. They yelled and trash the building.
Develops the conflict: All of a sudden another plate crashes, then another, one by one they all fell crashing on the floor.

8. After Mr. Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daansnin hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities?
- Some of them were kind and were willing to let the man in but others were complaining that were wasn’t enough foo for all of them.

P. 870

Respond: What do you best like about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend?
- What I like about Anne Frank is that he has a very good spirit. I would like here as a friend because I think she would be very trust worthy.

(a) Recall: What disurbing news does Mr. Kraler bring on New Year’s day?
- He says that someone wants to get money from them or he will tell the police that they were hiding in the bilding.
(b) Connect: What hint does this give about the ending of the play?
- It tells us that they will tell the police and they would all be taken.
3. (a) Recall: What is the time span of Act II?
- Saterday, Janurary First Nineteen forty-four to November 1945
(b) Interpret: How have the characters change sence the end of Act I?
- They have changed a lot like Anne became calmer and Mr. Dussel learned to be with other people. They have all changed by being near other people.
(c) Support: How do you know that Anne has changed?
- I know because she used to not like Peter at all but later she starts to enjoy his company.

4. (a) Draw Conclusions: How can Anne belive that “……In spite of everything…….people are really good at heart?”
- She has a very good spirit and is willing to forgive anyone for whatever they do.
(b) Interpret: What does Mr. Frank mean when he says: “She puts me to shame?”
- He means that he has a very different view than his and he can’t forgive anyone for what they have done to their family.

(a): Mr. Van Daan’s decision to steal food.
- The cause was that he was hungry.
(b): Mrs. Frank’s change of heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave.
- The cause was that if they went somewere else they would have been caught and taken.

What are some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship?
- One would be that she doesn’t want her Peter to get together with a brat like Anne. Another thing is that maybe she knew that if they get caught they would be seperated and would never see each other again.

7. Lining in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the "secret annex." List 3 effects that result from this single cause.
- They families meet eachother, They were safe from the Nazis, and they were able to survive.
(a): On the chart like the one shown, identify the possible modivation behind the actions listed.
Characters: Meip Mr. Van Daan Peter Van Daan
Action: Brings cakes and supplies Steals food brings his cat
Modivation: Wants to help out the families He’s hungry It’s his only friend


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

50 Things I Know About the Holocaust

  1. It was the biggest war in the world.
  2. All of the big powers were fighting in this war.

  3. Jews were treated horible by the nazis.

  4. Jewish people were put in a concenraton camp to work.

  5. Not just jewish people were discriminated and targeted.

  6. Hitler was a master mind behind all of this.

  7. Hitler controled an enormus army.

  8. There were more people dieing in this war than in any other war.

  9. Jews lived in ery poor gettos.
  10. The nazis made camps for forced-labor, transit camps that were like stasions, and also extermination camps which were used to kill jews.

  11. The word holocaust comes from the greek words that mean "whole" and "burnt"

  12. The total number of victums in the holocaust was between 11 million and 17 million people.

  13. Germany wipe out more than two thirds of the jewish population.

  14. The war started when Germany started invading places. The first place was poland.

  15. Jews were hidden in places like roofs and basments.

  16. Jews were out in very cramped spaces with many other jews.

  17. Between 1933 and 1945 build 20,000 conentration camps.

  18. Nazis would stuff jews into chambers and fulled it with poison gas to kill them.

  19. Jews and gays were made to where a symbol.

  20. They used the poison gas to make poison grenades.

  21. The war started on 1939.

  22. The war later ended at 1945.

  23. Nazis killed about 6,000 people every day in those gas chambers.

  24. The poison gas was originaly intended to be used for mental patients.

  25. There were three types of gettos.

  26. One was the closed getto, open getto, and the last one is the distruction getto.

  27. The biggest killing machine was the Einsatzgruppen.

  28. The Einsatzgruppen killed well over one million jews.

  29. Not only the jews were discriminated.

  30. Homosexuals, gipsies, mentaly and physicaly disabled people, europians, and many more.

  31. The Germans Invated Poland in September 1939.

  32. Almost 2 million people were killed in only one year.

  33. The nazis would make expiriments on the jews.

  34. They would kill people just to disect them.

  35. Germans wanted to find ways to kill the jews without wasting ammunisions.

  36. There were a little more than 1,000 gettos in germany.

  37. The first getto was in poland.

  38. By the end if the war, 6 million jews were killed.

  39. The holocaust was a huge genocide.

  40. People would do anything to stay alive.

  41. Germans would do expiriments on children.

  42. Jews wouldn't commit suiside becuase it is agenced religion.

  43. Hitler killed himself before they entered his bunker.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sloving a problem on the street

One serious problem in the streets is littering. Littering is a big problem because it makes the street very bad and discussing. One thing we can do is have people clean it up. Even with that they should teach kids not to throw garbage in the floor and to put it in the garbage can. Even with both of those things there are probably still going to be people throwing their garbage on the floor so what the state can do is fine people if they are caught throwing garbage on the
floor. I think with all these things we can do the streets will get cleaner.

The city can hire people to clean up the streets. This way the street would be so messy and full of trash. This can also benefit people by giving them jobs so they can work and get money. What this can do is let people see what a clean street look like and learn to clean up them selves to make it hat clean. But if kids are playing they would probably make a mess unless you teach them to not throw garbage on the floor.

To help stop littering you can teach kids to not litter and teach them how bad it is and how bad it makes the streets look. Most of the garbage on the floor it thrown there by a kid or teenager and if you stop that group from throwing trash on the streets most of the trash on the streets would be gone. Another thing, teaching them to not throw trash on the streets make want to make them clean around and in their house. But even with this you still have to stop the rest of the people.

To help stop littering all together they should fine people that are caught throwing trash in the streets. No one wants to pay money so they would stop automatically. This can also benefit the city to get money for things like pot-holes, libraries and other things that need money to do or support. I do think all of these things combined could make people stop littering.

The problem of littering in the streets could be solved by these three actions. Having people clean up the streets, teaching kids not to litter, and make fines for it. Why shouldn’t you have a clean street?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

As the older sibling I have to take responsability for my little sister. Our family is very poor, after my mother died my father has been very depressed. He had married again but to a demon. She is mean and always treats us like dirt. She takes the food all by herself. I don't know how my father could fall in love with such a witch. In the night, my sister and I heard our step mother and our fagther taking. They were talking about leaving us in the forest. My sister started to cry but I calmed her down. I dicided to sneek out and get some pebbels. I have a plan.

The next morning our step-mother woke us up. She said we were getting firewood but we knew it was a lie. Outside I started throwing pebbels on the floor. y plan was to make a path of pebbels that would lead us back to our house. Later at night we found out it worked. We arrived at our home and our father was very happy to see us though our step-mother was full of rage. This night they were planing to take us further in the forest. I tried to get more pebbels but the door was locked from the outside. We were indeed stuck but I had another plan.

This time I would use the crumbs of m bread that they gave us to make a path. They told us they were coming back later to pick us up but I knew it wasn't true. Even so we waited until evening to wait for them. Once we knew for certain they were not coming we dicided to follow the bread crumbs back to the house, only that they weren't there anymore. I think the animals must have ate them all or the wind took them away since they were so light.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Diary

FRIDAY: Well, I don't know where I am. This place is truly consusing. There are theis strange things all around me. I don't know what they are or what they want with me but they seem friendly. I have found this strange cave on the side of this pointy thing. It dose not seem to move so it won't hurt me. It is getting dark and I can't see very well. It is very cold .Theis things with weird patters in their backs came inside the cave with me. At first I was scared of them but now I see they just want to keep me warm. There is a bright round thing looking at us in front of the cave. It doesn't look scary but it is relaxing to look at.

SATERDAY: I woke up and found the strange things gone. I think I should call them animals or bugs but I don't know. I see yet another strange animal but this one looked more like me. I think I should stay away this time. I was going up a pointy thing and I ran into some water. I saw many things swiming. I liked them and I wanted to have one. After a wile I started to notice the animal that I saw yesterday was following me. I don't know what it wants with me. Maybe if run I can loose it. I've been euning for a few minutes but it doesn't want to get away. I think I'll just go back to the pond.

I was playing with the swiming things but the thing yelled at me. It said to not hurt the fishes. I learned that the things are called fishes, or at least what it calls them. It was being very annoying.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Mr. Jeffery was a rabbit and he was ready for his vacation. He hoped on the plaine. When the plaine landed he got off. Out side the airport there was a dog standing there. The dog walked to him. "hello sir, I can take your bags to your house if you'd like. My car is too small to take an other posengers other than myself but I can take your bags if you like." "oh that sounds good." he wrote down the address of his unckel's house where he was staying. He arived at his unckels house but the dog was no were to be seen. "Surly he should have been here by now." He spend many hours waiting for him but admit that he had been robed. Mr. Jeffery stayed on his good side and wanted to go to the beach. When he arrived there was duck standing on the dock. "SIR WAIT A SECOND!" Mr. Jeffery turned around to look at him. "You look like a torrist. wouldn't you like to be on the lake. I'll rent you this boat." Mr. Jeffery followed him. He game him the monay and got on the boat. The boat wasn't very new, in fact it looked very old. He made it to the middle of the lake. CCCRRRAAACCCCKKKK he heard a crack coming from the boat. Then a peace of the boat fell off. Then water started to come in it. "oh no what am I going to do?" Hopefully someone saw it and called the life gaurd. Mr. Jeffery got on land safly and knew he couldn't trust stranders again.

"Don't trust people ou don't know"