152. Why do you think Elie Weisel wrote this book?
- I think he wrote this book to let people know what happend in the camps and to try to help prevent this fromever happening.
153. Why do you think he chose Night as its title?
- I think he chose this title because in the whole time he was surounded by darkness. Also because he remebers all of this from his dreams.
154. How does Elie change as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps?
- He doesn't trust anyone now and now knows how bad things can be.
155. How does Elie finally come to terms with his ordeal?
- He come in terms with his ordeal by writing this book.
156. Give good examples of issues in Night that still arise today and what do you think should be done about genocide?
Genoside in russa: On example is killing the jews like what russa is doing right now. They are killing all the Chechen People. I think that genoside is erable and what should be done about this is that all types of people should be forcesto live in harmony by a very powerful force or military.
Genoside in
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10 years ago